
August 26, 2011

Tak Baca Pun Tak Apa

bikini bottom, love, patrick, pink, smile
"Hai semua. Tadi aku baru saja blog-walking sama blog Lettha yang simple sama kiut itu. Aku cek tutor dia, bagus-bagus semuanya. Kalau aku bisa aja bikin tutor sebanyak itu emangnya baguskan? Kepingin bangat ramai followers kayaknya dia.."

Wah. Dah masuk bahasa Indon ya? Hehe.. Rasa macam terlekat bahasa-bahasa Indonesia ni dalam kepala saya. Tapi, bukan itu masalahnya. Saya akan balik kampung di Johor! Yeah ( menaip dengan muka monyok.) Okay, kalau orang biasa dapat peluang balik kampung beraya tentu seronok kan? Siap dengan gaya lompatan sakan tak sabar menunggu hari esoknya. Tetapi hakikatnya saya tak suka. Entahlah, macam berat hati saya nak tinggalkan Sabah ni untuk seminggu..

alone, cry, red head, sad, sea

Adakah disebabkan kerisauan yang semakin menebal dalam hati fasal kucing? Ya, itu salah satu masalahnya.. Sudahlah Meong bunting tapi sampai sekarang tak beranak, risau pula takut nanti dia tak ada tempat beranak bila kami sekeluarga balik kampung. Lepas tu Tomok pula macam tak pandai berdikari, macam mana nak cari makan sendiri? Kita tak hantar mereka kepada jiran sebab jiran tak suka kucing. It's a fact. So no one can handle 'em. Aii, wondering where these two cats will find their foods.. =(

Jadi, bersempena dengan aktiviti balik kampung, blog saya ini dengan rasminya diumumkan tidak akan di-onlinekan mahupun di-update selama seminggu. Selamat tinggal blog, selamat tinggal Facebook, selamat tinggal games. I gonna miss you guys when at kampung. So do the cats. Please someone look after the cats. =(

And I'm wishing all of you, no matter if you're my followers, readers, Anons, 'devils', 'angels' or what-so-ever a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin from deep in my heart.

August 25, 2011

Day 8 : 10 your favorite songs

So sorry because I rarely update my blog life-time. Lazy.. Yeah, that was totally a big challenge for me. Anyway I'll continue 10 days challenge. (I assume it's not a 10 days challenge but 2 months challenges -__-)

Most of the songs that I heard are just nice to me. And maybe you already know that music helps to relieve stress =)

Amik kau! 10 jam!
This song totally meaningful..
I like their dancing style.. Hoho ^^
Kagum kagum..
Gigi SG cantik la.. Cemburu tau =(
Lagu lama tapi masih relevan dan best.. =)
Yang ni ramai orang pertikaikan apa yang dia cakap pada minit 0:00 ke 0:10 

Marshmellow comel!
Seronok dengar lagu ni =)




Alhamdulillah. Thanks so much to you guys, my fellow supporters.  I'll try to follow you back. Sorry if you had followed my blog but I'm still not follow yours. Leave link on comment box please?

August 17, 2011

Day 7 : 10 important people

bear, couple, cute, love, taylor lautner
Both Taylor looks lovely ^^
Let's continue the err.. ' challenge yang tertunggak ' .. Hoho.. ^_^

There is nothing important than ;

  • My mom ; Umi - The queen of my heart
  • My dad ; Abah - The knight @ Ultraman @ king of our family
  • My younger brothers ; Syahmi and Cimik - The joker of the family
  • My younger sister ; Nabila - The sweet princess Fairytopia
  • My friends - Garden of my heart
  • My teachers - Pro one
  • My followers - The loyal one
  • My blog readers - Easy and happy-go-lucky
  • Myself - The shy and quiet one
  • ------------------------------ Anyone can insert one here?

You guys are very important to me. Without you, I'll never be me. Promise to always be by the side of me, okay? Lapp-chu forever and always :D

bunny, cake, coffee, lovely, sugar

August 13, 2011

Wafu Pafu Paper Dolls!

Yay! Another new post yet boring. Sorry for followers if I spam your dashboard. Didn't mean too.. Sobs sobs.. T_T 

Tengok! Comel tak, comel tak? Cakap comel kalau tak gigit nanti. Hehe.. Buat lepas buka puasa ^^ Excited betul bila dah siap pasang paper dolls ni.. Saya paling suka yang devilish tu.. The face looks <3 (Ugh, kualiti gambar agak teruk sebab pakai kamera biasa jer.. Kalau orang lain cantik, sebab pakai kamera yang WOW! )

Aww.. Aren't the Wafu Pafu paper dolls looks so cute? And yes, our family are using printer jenama "Abang". LoL.. We're proud of it though the color it produce kinda shit =)

You want it? Want it? No? I don't care if you don't want.. Click here to get the pattern =P Oh.. Nasib baik Excel dah habis.. I can continue blog-walking! Yay to me not to result.. T 3 T 

August 8, 2011

Doodle's Giveaway by Cik Nuyui 'Ain'

Yay! Terima kasih dekat Cik Mieyka sebab sudi tag saya ^^ Saya dengan berbesar hatinya ingin men-joinkan diri menyertai giveaway ni. Sebelum tu kita Check It Out! syarat-syaratnya dahulu ;

Sweetkan banner Cik Ain kita ni?

"Saya suka doodle kerana doodles sangat comel, cute, kawaii dan adoreable.. Orang perempuan paling suka kumpul doodles kan? Lagipun, doodles menggambarkan kekreatifan tuan punya pelukis doodle.. Semua orang tahu buka semua orang ada bakat nak melukis doodle yang cantik jadi peluang sebegini tak akan ditolak mentah-mentah ^^.. ( Saya tangan kayu, sebab tu kalau ada giveaway doodle memang rembat ajer! ) "

And tagging session goes to ; Siti Hidayah

Kalau nak join giveaway tu, klik banner =)

Penatnya jawab soalan Excel BM kertas 2 tadi.. T____T

August 6, 2011

Day 6 : 10 items you can't live without

boom, firework, fireworks, light, night

Rasanya dah banyak kali rasannya saya buat challenge macam ni. Tapi, tak apa.. Demi mengotakan janji hendak menyiapkan cabaran boom-boom pow!
  • My parents
  • Cats
  • Foods and drinks
  • Internet and laptop
  • Money.. ( Not so important @_____@ )
  • Television
  • Shower ( Jijik betul kalau orang pompuan tak mandi ek? )
  • Music.. Life without music is boring tho'..
  • Surah Yaasin ( WAJIB )
  • Books
P/S ; Thanks so much for those who followed me. I appreciated it very much ^^ Untuk menunjukkan kesetiaan menyatakan rasa terima kasih saya kepada anda, tak ada apa saya boleh buat melainkan follow semula blog anda.

Kepada followers yang belum saya follow, boleh bagi URL blog anda di ruangan komen? Saya malas nak korek semula CBox saya dan cek gadget followers saya =P Nanti habis Excel, saya follow balik =)
&lt;3, cool, cute, following, graphy, heart it
Love it!
Saja guna ayat skema. Nak meningkatkan penguasaan tatabahasa.. Lagipun Excel PMR minggu depan.. Takutnya! Nampaknya tak dapat online seminggu! >_____________<

August 4, 2011

Day 5 : 10 Wishes

baby, blond, children, cutie, waiting
Wishing for..

If I can, I wish I can have many wishes to wish want I want to wish. LOL. =P

Hoping these will come true ;

  • Be a solehah and obey girl to Allah and lovely parents
  • One of the intelligent girl at my school [ Like Adi Putra. The boy that genius in Math ^^ ]
  • Kaya! Ba-bling ba-bling, Ka-ching! $______$
  • Can see my next future life
  • Make a centre for strayed animals out there. Sobs sobs T_______T
  • Be a dancer / vocalist band [ Noooob -_______-" ]
  • Got my own handphone / camera
  • Always Islam forever and ever
  • Looking good =)
  • Be a famous blogger [ Mustahil -_____- ]
dream, girl, quote, wish
cat, kiss, kitty, love
Aww... So sweet! <3

August 3, 2011

Day 4 : 10 things you want to say to one person.

blonde, dress, dresses, friends, fun
Friendship lasts forever!

Since I'm a quiet and shy person, I've many things to say. 10 of it are ;
  • "Skuadsenang... Diri" Haha! Wish I'm a commander of my Cadet Police marching team! Seriously it is UN-LOGIC!
  • Saya cuker sangat tengok awak! Cool!
  • Wawa, kenapa awak pandai sangat ha? Awak patut masuk universiti tau.. Tak payah pergi sekolah lagi.. Saya asyik dapat nombor 2, 3 atau 4 jer disebabkan awak.. Sobs sobs T______T
  • Uncle.. Stop la merokok. Tak ada pekdahnya
  • ! Membazir duit jer.. Daripada beli rokok baik uncle bagi duit tu kat saya, boleh beli broadband. Family uncle pun selamat..
  • Cikgu, bosan betul lah cikgu mengajar. Tak boleh ke ajar syok sikit macam Cikgu Nitah? Ngeeee..
  • Apa tengok-tengok? Nak kena tumbuk? (Brutal la.. -_______-")
  • Amboii.. Sombongnya! Ingat awak tu anak Menteri ke?
  • Terima kasih.
  • Cikgu, maaf malas hantar homework cikgu bagi..
  • Selamat hari lahir! ( Sebab saya TAK PERNAH tahu birthday kawan-kawan saya.. Sobs sobs T____T)

Hmm.. Most of it are negative sayings right? Well, I'm talkative and quite brutal at home but shy and quiet at other places.

bear, bunny, coffe, cute, heart
Wah! So cool! Wish I can make like that and drink it! Yummy!

Tutorial Letak Assalamualaikum Pada Entri

Rindu nak buat tuto.. Dari tadi asyik fikir tak ada kerja nak buat, jadi buat lah yang ni..

*Saya guna Simple Template. Tak tahu lah kalau template lain ada tak code macam tu.. :/

Nampak? Nak tak "benda" yang dipetakkan merah tu?

1 - Mula-mula sekali, pergi ke Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML > Tick Exapnd Widget Template

2- Search code ni.. Tekan Ctrl + F untuk memudahkan pencarian :

<div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; +'>

3- Pastekan kod bawah ni di bawah kod tadi :

<center><img src="(url gambar anda)" /></center>
Nak cari pics menarik? Try cari freebies yang telah dibuat oleh orang lain dan pastekan kod tu dekat "(url gambar anda)". Kalau you all rasa freebies yang diberikan not your taste, cari la sendiri atau buat sendiri lagi bagus.. -___-"

Hehe.. Tu jer.. Tah-ta!

Credit pic, tutorial and freebies :
Eeda Latif
( dah hilang  dah link blog dia -_-" )

Day 3 : 10 things you hate.

cassie, cassie ainsworth, cassie quotes, cassie skins, cassie skins quotes

Manusia memang tak pernah lepas daripada sikap benci-membenci walaupun kita sebenarnya tak nak. Tapi, di mana ada syaitan dan nafsu, di situ ada kebencian. Me also got hate feeling -_____-" . 

Obviously, I'll hate 'em ;

  • Syaitan (Walaupun saya cuba elakkan diri daripada terperangkap dengan perangkap mereka, tetap tak berjaya.. Example, blogging instead of studying for Excel PMR..Sobs sobs T______T )
  • Backstabbers (Alhamdulillah.. So far so good.. None of my friends did that.. Kot? )
  • Orang yang mengumpat saya ( For your information, saya ni jenis yang cepat berburuk sangka, asal ada orang berbisik time saya lalu, "ngumpat aku la ni! Huh >:(
  • Justin Bieber ( Why why why? I don't know.. Wargh! TOLONG! Peminat JB nak serang saya!! )
    cute, fashion, hello baby, jung yoogeun, kid ulzzang
    Who the heck is this cute boy? Another K-Pop member?
  • K-Pop ( Tak sokong sangat mereka ni, tapi saya support industri muzik tempatan kita yang memperjuangkan K-Pop Malaysia macam KRU.. Wargh! TOLONG! Peminat K-Pop nak telan saya plak!!! )
  • Pink color maa.. ( Actually this color looks childish and girlish to me.. Eeew.. Tapi blog saya pink. Pelik, pelik, pelik.. Wargh TOLONG! Peminat pink ping kejar saya!! )
  • No foods at all.. I don't know how to cook "sedap-sedap one".. If Maggi, sometimes I failed much cooking that... Sobs sobs T______T
  • No money.. Nuff said -_____-"
  • Gedik-gedik macam ulat.. Geli sampai ke tengkuk..
  • Kena kuarantin tak boleh buka internet sebab nak PMR..  ( Mana boleh! Kalau sehari tak buka, gila wooo! )
animal, bambi, brown, christmas, cool
Lalala.. Pretend not to hear what others saying..

    August 1, 2011

    Day 2 : 10 things you love.

    beautiful, computer, cute, love, mac

    • Allah The Almighty
    • My family.. xoxo you guys! <3
    • My cats ; Meong and Tomok @ Tomoi
    • My favorite teacher; beloved Cikgu Nitah 
    • My laptop and internet a.k.a electronic gadgets
    • My blog and FOLLOWERS <3
    • Foods
    • Musics
    • Those who read this right now ^^
    • Entah (My favorite word)
    You guys are very lovely.. Sobs sobs T____T
    bitter, candy, candy jar, classic, glass jar, hard candies
    Wish I can eat those candies!