Friendship lasts forever! |
Since I'm a quiet and shy person, I've many things to say. 10 of it are ;
- "Skuad, senang... Diri" Haha! Wish I'm a commander of my Cadet Police marching team! Seriously it is UN-LOGIC!
- Saya cuker sangat tengok awak! Cool!
- Wawa, kenapa awak pandai sangat ha? Awak patut masuk universiti tau.. Tak payah pergi sekolah lagi.. Saya asyik dapat nombor 2, 3 atau 4 jer disebabkan awak.. Sobs sobs T______T
- Uncle.. Stop la merokok. Tak ada pekdahnya
! Membazir duit jer.. Daripada beli rokok baik uncle bagi duit tu kat saya, boleh beli broadband. Family uncle pun selamat..
- Cikgu, bosan betul lah cikgu mengajar. Tak boleh ke ajar syok sikit macam Cikgu Nitah? Ngeeee..
- Apa tengok-tengok? Nak kena tumbuk? (Brutal la.. -_______-")
- Amboii.. Sombongnya! Ingat awak tu anak Menteri ke?
- Terima kasih.
- Cikgu, maaf malas hantar homework cikgu bagi..
- Selamat hari lahir! ( Sebab saya TAK PERNAH tahu birthday kawan-kawan saya.. Sobs sobs T____T)
Hmm.. Most of it are negative sayings right? Well, I'm talkative and quite brutal at home but shy and quiet at other places.
Wah! So cool! Wish I can make like that and drink it! Yummy! |
hehe. sorry... mybe sometime i should try to damn my result..hahaha. dont worry, mybe i'm not here next year.
btw, i like the 2nd and the 7th.. i've no idea, this is the real khayrin.. i like!
@Budak_taWadhuk - najwa - no wawa.. jangan la pindah :'( actually, you are the shining star of our class.. you're the best, and .... TT_TT
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