Aww! So cute >w< Err.. I hope you don't have such a pervy mind when have a look with this pic.. |
Check this out;
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*click so you'll not rabun.. -__-" |
"Aku baru saja" Lol. What the heck was that? I didn't remember any of my post with thet keyword. "Tak beranak risau" Rofl-ing like crazy! So far as I remember, I never made any entry that related to pregnancy or give birth. Weird. Hmm... Owh.. Maybe those anonymous person search about my cat. You know, Meong and its three little kittens, but eventually died or lost. Only one still save, Tomok. :3
"Poto-poyo eunhyuk" Got 1 hit there. I guess this people was looking for this post. Aww.. Poor Eun Hyukkie oppa, they said you poyo. But I still like you coz you're the dancing machine of Super Junior. And such a noob person there, typing "poto" instead of "poyo"( I know, typo error but he/she deserve that "noob" award) Heh!
What about your blog? How do they found your blog using keywords? I'm curios to know! :D
hehehe nur pernah dapat keyword kain batik but not even one word pun cerita pasal kain batik pelik la..
@cik nur Aik? camner lak tu? hehe.. tapi takper la..Janji orang yg taip keywords tu dh bantu naikkn traffic blog kita, ya tak?
at least ada gak yg lwt blog kita kan :)
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